Imagine countless little worms living inside you that steal your nutrients and proteins and in return release bacteria and viruses into your system. Well, odds are this is exactly what’s happening inside your body, as approximately 90% of people have a problem with parasites (and yes, that includes North Americans).
A recent study published in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) journal Emerging Infectious Diseases found that a specific type of parasite that was previously thought to only infect fish in Asia, the Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense, or Japanese broad tapeworm, can now be found in North American fish. Any salmon caught in Alaska and along the Pacific coast may be infected with this type of tapeworm.
What Are Parasites and Japanese Tapeworms?
As Dr. Hulda Clark explains, “A parasite is a tiny organism that lives on or in another host organism and is fed at the expense of its host. In other words the parasites that live inside us use up our vitamins, proteins and all other nutrients. Not only do they do this, they also do their ‘business’ inside us releasing their toxic bacteria and viruses inside us.”
A common parasite, the Japanese tapeworm was discovered in 1986 and was considered the second most common type of tapeworm at the time. According to the CDC, Japanese tapeworm can grow to be as large as 30 feet long. Previously, all reported cases of Japanese tapeworm were in Japan, South Korea, and the Pacific coast of Russia, and it was assumed that this tapeworm only lived in salmon in that area until an American study conducted in 2013 found them in Alaskan salmon.
The results suggest that the Japanese tapeworm may be present in four specific types of salmon found along the Pacific coast: chum, masu, pink, and sockeye salmon. These specific varieties are exported on ice and can be found in various restaurants all around the world. As a result, the scientists predict that no country is safe from infections caused by Japanese tapeworm.
How to Recognize and Get Rid of Tapeworms and Parasites
Unfortunately, there’s very little information on Japanese tapeworms and the associated symptoms. Since they’re similar to regular tapeworms, it’s suspected that symptoms would be the same. These include abdominal pain, infections, weight loss, nausea, and loose stool. However, many people with tapeworms don’t experience any noticeable side effects. A lot of people only realize they have tapeworms and parasites because it shows up in their stool.
Lead author and research scientist of the study Roman Kuchta explains, “The infections can have a substantial emotional impact on patients and their families, because segments are evacuated over a long period of time. More severe cases may require specialized consultations and complementary analyses, which are costly.” It’s important to note that severe medical issues are rare when it comes to tapeworms and parasites.
There are specialized pharmaceutical drugs that claim to get rid of specific types of tapeworms and parasites, but there are also natural remedies you can use that are less harsh on the body. CE sells a parasite cleanse online designed by Organic Olivia called Parapro Formula.
Below is some information on parasite cleansing herbs from Organic Olivia, who struggled with parasites:
- BLACK WALNUT HULLS (from the black walnut tree – juglans nigra): Used by the Indians of America as an anti-parasite, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal remedy. Its active ingredients are juglone, tannin, and iodine. The tincture of the green hulls of the black walnut kills the adult stages of the parasites.
- WORMWOOD (from the Artemisia shrub – artemisia absinthum): Known for its vermicidal properties and helps those with a weak and under-active digestion. It increases the acidity of the stomach and the production of bile. The wormwood capsules kill the larval stages of the parasites.
- COMMON CLOVES (from the clove tree – eugenia caryophyllata): Anti-parasitical, anti-fungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. It also removes pain. The clove capsules remove the parasite eggs.
The healthier your body, the less likely you are to have as many parasites because they’re unable to thrive and reproduce as easily. A simple way to decrease your likelihood of getting parasites, particularly Japanese tapeworm, would be to decrease or cut out all animal products and to wash all of your produce thoroughly.
Should We Be Eating So Much Fish?
Parasites and tapeworms aren’t your only concerns when it comes to eating fish, so you may decide it’s best to remove it from your diet. The radiation caused by the nuclear fallout in Fukushima has been leaking into the Pacific Ocean, affecting all aquatic life. It’s estimated that approximately 300 to 450 tonnes of water containing radioactive iodine, cesium, and strontium-89 and 90 are contaminating the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima Daichi site every single day (read our article about that here).
A lot of fish is also genetically altered, filled with antibiotics and pesticides, and contaminated with mercury and chemicals. Not to mention, the environmental issues surrounding overfishing and fish farms are becoming grave concerns. If you want to learn more, start by reading our article “Disturbing Facts About The Fishing Industry That Threaten Your Health.”
In the end, it’s your body and your decision what you put into it. If the idea of filling your body with unhealthy foods doesn’t resonate with you, then stop eating it! Allow your willpower to strengthen and learn to say no to the foods that don’t serve you and your body. At the end of the day, whatever you choose to put into your body will manifest and determine your inner and outer realities. As they say, “Eat good, feel good!”
This is also a good indicator that we really need to clean up our planet. We are polluting our own food supply.
via Collective - Evolution