Cure Your Excessive Gas & Bloating With Effective Natural Remedies

Stomach gas is a normal occurrence within the body given our modern diets. The good news; it can be alleviated by letting it out, eating different types of foods and choosing a healthier diet.

Gas can cause discomfort in the form of bloating and stomach cramps. Thankfully, there are many natural home remedies to take advantage of — many of which you may already have in your home!

Why Does Gas and Bloating Occur?

Gas is a natural process that takes place when food gets broken down in the intestine. There are some foods that produce more gas than others, with the most common ones being lentils, lactose, fructose, and sorbitol. Other causes of gas are gulping in air when you eat, and stress.

Although gas is very common, having excessive gas can also be a sign of greater health concerns like irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, celiac disease, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

When too much gas gets built up, you may experience bloating, which is a whole other level of discomfort, but usually dissipates when the gas is eventually released.

But what can you do to get rid of gas and make sure it doesn’t get backed up in your stomach? Before you head to the drug store to purchase medication, take a look at the following natural home remedies.

Relieve Gas and Bloating With These Home Remedies

1. Caraway

For centuries caraway, which is also known as Persian cumin, has served as a remedy for releasing trapped gas in the digestive track. If you find yourself getting bloated from trapped gas, simply chew on a small handful of caraway seeds straight.

2. Peppermint

Peppermint works to calm the stomach muscles and improve bile flow, which the body uses to digest fats. This allows for food to pass through the stomach more quickly. Research has even found that peppermint oil works to reduce flatulence, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

3. Anise

Anise is often used as a flavouring agent, but it also has anti-spasmodic properties that can allow your digestive track to relax and alleviate cramping. Anise is also a carminative, which means it works to expel gas build up and the bloating that results.

4. Chamomile

Chamomile has long been known for its relaxing and sedative properties. The herb most notably works to relieve intestinal gas, diarrhea, upset stomach, chronic heartburn, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and motion sickness. One study found that chamomile is particularly useful for getting rid of gas, alleviating stomach cramps, and pushing foods through the intestines.

5. Herbs That Help Clear Intestines

Having healthy internal digestion is key to beating the gas and bloating problem. You can help yourself clear out your intestines by going to the bathroom regularly. You should be going number 2 about 3 times per day, or about the same number of times you ate meals the day before. There are herbs like cayenne pepper, aloe ferox, barberry root bark, and cascara sagrada. You can take supplements of these herbs yourself by buying them online or in health food stores, or you can use products like Wholey Shit that already have these  ingredients put together.

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6. Turmeric

Turmeric contains curcumin that is popular for its anti-inflammatory properties. Research has found that it is particularly helpful in alleviating symptoms of indigestion, including excess gas. One study concluded that 87 percent of patients reported their symptoms to have lessened after 7 days.

7. Ginger

Another popular natural remedy for various medical problems, ginger can also treat dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea, and abdominal pain. One study concluded that the spice served as a valuable medicine for patients with functional dyspepsia by stimulating gastric emptying and antral contractions.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw unprocessed ACV is rich in enzymes that help to boost the digestive system. It is recommended to dilute one tablespoon in a glass of warm water and drink before a meal to stave off gas and bloating after a meal. It is thought that the increase of stomach acid from ACV is the key to keeping digestive issues like bloating and heartburn at bay.

9. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a popular and delicious spice long known for its medicinal properties. Cinnamon may be useful in alleviating bloating, for instance, due to its high levels of antioxidants that have potent anti-inflammatory activity. This spice may also reduce pressure on the abdomen by encouraging the passage of gas, thereby alleviating bloating.

10. Probiotics

Probiotics have grown in conversation for their various health benefits, including their ability to get rid of gas by restoring a healthy gut flora. One report revealed that probiotics can reduce the pain and symptoms of IBS, including gas.

11. Activated Charcoal

The American Journal of Gastroenterology concluded that activated charcoal is an effective remedy for preventing intestinal gas that occurs as a result of a gas-producing meal. Activated charcoal can be purchased in the form of supplements.

via Collective - Evolution

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