What is Biohacking? It’s changing your external and internal environment so you have full control of your biology, allowing you to upgrade your body, mind, and life.
To change your external and internal environment so you have full control of your biology, allowing you to upgrade your body, mind, and life. It’s the art and science of becoming a ‘superhuman.’
The world of biohacking has been exploding in popularity and everyone from stay-at-home moms to Fortune 500 CEOs is looking to find that edge. This means better performance at work, increased strength and focus, better sleep, and an effortless diet, just to name a few. But can the ingenuity of biohackers be used to increase one’s consciousness? Here are 5 ways to achieve elevated consciousness through biohacking.
1. Learn to Meditate Like a Buddhist Monk in 5 Days
A regular meditation practice clearly impacts your consciousness and your ability to look inward. However, newbie meditators usually find it difficult to do, and meditation proficiency is somewhat subjective. Yet biohackers have developed neurofeedback devices that can measure what state you’re in and thus help guide you into the correct mental state, acting like training wheels for your meditative practice. These devices range from small handheld electronics for home use to the coveted 40 Years of Zen program, a 5 day full immersion program in which you are monitored by the world’s most advanced neuroscientists. This program claims that after the 5 day course, you will have the ability to meditate like someone who has practiced every day for 20-40 years. Here is how they describe the benefits of achieving deep meditation through the use of their program:
Neurofeedback helps you get to the heart of thoughts and feelings that are holding you back. Many ailments and suffering we endure are due to some aspect of false perception or thinking. If you come from a technical background, think of it as “bad data”. Essentially, you are believing thoughts that aren’t true as you listen to the noise in your head rather than accessing the truth and wisdom to be that can be found in the space between your thoughts. By using neurofeedback training, you can filter out the noise and access a higher level of awareness and thinking.
2. Cold Therapy
This is the act of submerging most of your body in cold water. It has been practiced for over 100 years, but the multitude of health benefits it offers are only recently being understood. The evolution of this practice has led to the emergence of Cryosaunas, a chamber that cools the skin using liquid nitrogen and refrigerated cold air, which can achieve similar (and arguably better) results to an ice bath in just a few minutes.
Wim Hoff, commonly referred to as “The Ice Man,” holds multiple world records for enduring extreme cold temperatures. His abilities are not completely understood by the medical field and he is being studied by researchers at Radboud University Medical Center in the Neatherlands.
What is not widely known is that Wim discovered this ability out of sheer intuition. One day while sitting in a park, grieving the death of his wife and trying to achieve relief from the emotional pain he was feeling, he decided to walk into a very cold pond at the park. Upon doing so, he gapsed for air, and noticed that his mind emptied and became still when faced with the extreme cold temperatures. This gave him some relief and he continued this practice regularly.
Wim claims that this cold therapy has ended his suffering. It has also given him the ability to control his autonomic nervous system, which modern medicine thought was impossible. While doctors once believed that Wim was an anomaly and that only he could perform these superhuman feats, he has since taught many people his Method, which includes easy to learn breathing exercises that he claims anyone can be taught. Here is a video of researchers injecting Wim with a bacteria endotoxin that would make anyone have strong, cold-like symptoms such as a fever and chills. However, he was able to suppress the immune response and remain unaffected.
Keep an eye out for this biohacker.
3. Heart Coherence
The intuitive abilities and intellect of the heart have been proven by researchers at The Institute of Heartmath. This fascinating research shows us many things, one of which is that the heart has a measurable response several seconds before something bad happens. As Dr. Rollin McCarthy explains, “What this body of research is telling us is that the heart seems to be connected to a type of intuition that is not bound by the limits of time and space.” You can watch the video of this mind-blowing experiment by clicking here.
You can increase your heart coherence by using a home use device sold by the Institute of Heartmath. Their products are not prohibitively expensive and this non-profit organization has sold over 5 million units in over 100 countries.
4. Dance/Bioenergetics
Dancing is a form of expression as old as mankind itself. Many people enjoy how fun and liberating dancing can be, and experience all kinds of benefits from expressing themselves through movement. However, we can also benefit from movement of a different sort, called Bioenergetics.
There are several aspects to Bioenergetics and one of them involves shaking and moving without rhythm or pattern. The purpose is to break the bounds that society puts on us. I’m sure we all remember being a kid in school and having our teacher tell us to be quiet and still, and if not, our psyche certainly does.
The conecpt is simple: As you move in a way that you never have before, your frame of reference in terms of movement will expand. This will leach into the mind and create more spontaniety and creativity. Watch Elliot Hulse perform what he calls “Shake and Vibrate” to get a better idea of the concept.
5. Gratitude
Being in a state of gratitude has a ton of benefits and simply feels good. Many high achievers attest to the power of gratitude and it is a key variable in The Law of Attraction. But like many good practices, if not incorporated into your daily routine, they fall by the wayside.
Alex Ikonn and UJ Ramdas created “The Five Minute Journal” which, when used for mere minutes each day, offers many benefits. Deceptively simple, it asks the user to spend no more then a few minutes writing down a daily affirmation, something they are grateful for, and what would make the day great. At night, the user jots down three amazing things that happened that day and what would make the next day better. Simple, yet effective.
Can These Biohacks Really Improve My Life?
I could simply say “absolutely!” but let me instead tell you what it did for me.
On March 23rd, 2014, I was shot 7 times by a hitman. I was hit in the head, chest, neck, shoulder, arm, and twice in the ribs. I was left with a collapsed lung and a radial nerve palsy (paralyzed left hand). The lung healed but I didn’t regain movement in my hand and doctors told me that it wasn’t going to move again.
Then I came across Dave Asprey and his many Bulletproof Biohacks. I incorporated these biohacks into my life and the results cannot be explained by modern day medicine. Hear me tell the whole story on stage at the 2015 Bulletproof Biohacking Conference. As a side note, the 2016 Bulletproof Biohacking Conference is taking place in California on September 23-25. I’ll be there along with the other 1000+ biohackers who have improved their lives by incorporating these cutting edge strategies.
via Collective - Evolution