11 Powerful Quotes For Everyday Motivation

Life is not easy.

Along the way, we come across struggles, failures, and frustrations. When times are tough, it tends to take a toll on even the strongest of us.

But let’s not underestimate our capacity to bounce back. A lot of times, all it takes is a smile, a breath of fresh air, and a dose of motivation.

While some may already have their go-to mottos or staple statements, having a few more inspiring words up your sleeve when you need them is always a good thing. Here are some of the most powerful quotes that can motivate you every day.


This quote by George Bernard Shaw was included in his 1921 play Back to Methuselah. John F. Kennedy also used it during his presidential campaign.

This quote pushes us to think. Do not just settle for what is already here. Instead, think of what you can do. See what others don’t and ask questions that others won’t. By doing so, you are on the way to creating your own legacy.


This was part of Steve Jobs’ commencement speech in 2005. He went on to say that we should always speak up. Trust your heart and intuition. See where they take you.

Steve Jobs was a revolutionary entrepreneur. His nuclear success made him a resounding inspiration for how we should stick to what we want to do in order to not waste our precious time.


This reminds us that mistakes are not the end, and failing should not be equal to giving up.

Choosing not to fail is choosing not to move forward. When we fail, we get another chance at life. The good news is that there are endless chances — we can try and try until we get it right.

Don’t worry about failing. Worry about never having been courageous enough to try.


Babe Ruth is a household name, and he was known as the king of home runs. Interestingly, he also had a lot of strikeouts.

People know Babe Ruth as a man who refused to give up. He would always keep going, and he was not afraid to strike out. Even though he failed, he never stopped playing the game. Instead, failure pushed him to do better.

Similar to Jack Canfield’s quote, Babe Ruth reminds us that failures are essential to the road to success.


We don’t know how long we have to live, so why not make the most out of life? Focus on opportunities and possibilities, and stop basking in negativity.

Take chances, and invest in experiences. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Every opportunity won’t be a piece of cake, but the rewards of trying and learning will be worth every drop of sweat.

Don’t waste your time proving yourself to people who don’t believe in you. Strengthen your relationships with family and friends who will support you as you strive to reach your goals.


The biggest enemy is inside us. Whenever you doubt your abilities, you hold yourself back. The voices inside you will contradict and stop you, and the worst part about it is, it’s often your own fearful voice you hear and heed.

Van Gogh stayed poor throughout his life and only became famous shortly after his death. If he had stopped creating artwork, he probably would have remained unknown until now.

But it was art that saw him through, and he never gave up on it. He loved what he did and would rather spend on art materials than food. He believed in himself, and that was enough.


When people run a marathon, they train for endurance. The trail may be long and hard, but the important thing is to be a finisher and not a quitter. There are also different kinds of runners — the fast ones, the slow ones, the ones who walk, and the ones who never get to the finish line.

All finishers are rewarded, no matter how long it took for them to finish. In life, some may be faster in reaching their dreams, but we each have our own pace.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to succeed. What’s important is you never stop trying. As Dory says, “Just keep swimming!” Go slow and steady if you must, but do not stop.


There are people who will try to bring you down because they want to feel superior. They think they can achieve this by making you think less of yourself. Remember that you are not inferior to anybody else.

Stand strong and believe in the power of your capabilities and skills. Stand firm though pressures weigh in and try to bring you down. You are as strong as you can conceive and as weak as your mind can believe.


Obstacles and pain are temporary, and even problems come to an end. While we may remember disappointing things of the past, why revisit what has already gone?

Tough people are made through tough times. Whatever life throws at you, take it as an opportunity to strengthen yourself. You grow braver and stronger as you continue to overcome.


Do you have a personal advocacy? Is there a social issue that you want to speak about but are too shy to start?

Do not wait for people to initiate something that you are well capable of starting. Be a leader, not merely a follower. Let your passion guide you. Be an influencer, someone who inspires action.

A lot of people miss out on life because they are waiting to see something happen, not realizing that they have the same power as anyone to make things happen. While people may share the same interests as you, when you have a passion so strong, you won’t be content for it to be determined by someone else.

The greatest challenge isn’t taking part in something, but starting something. If you can’t see it now, then maybe it’s up to you to turn it into reality. Create what you wish to see.


Muhammad Ali was a legend, not only in boxing, but because of how he used his influence to motivate and inspire people. When he died at the age of 74, it was pretty evident that he made all his days count. That is why his memory lives on even after his death.

A lot of people grace the earth thinking about what they can make of themselves. But those who made a dent in history did so by the amount of lives they touched.  They made each day count, not for themselves, but for those who needed a share of their strength.

A popular line in the book-turned-movie Me Before You says, “You only get one life. It is your duty to live it as fully as possible.”

To paraphrase Mark Twain, we will regret the things we didn’t do more than the things we did.

Don’t settle for the life you have if you know that there’s more to it than what it is now. Every day is a race to become better, and that means growing, reaching, soaring. Though we may fail every now and then, a slingshot has to be pulled back in order for it to launch forward.

Book that trip. Talk to that girl. Apply for that job. Take the risk! Don’t settle for an existence that allows you to forget to live life. Grab every opportunity to learn and develop yourself. Doors will open, but you will have to take the steps to walk through them.

Uncertainties are normal, and fear will always be lurking around the corner. But there are more certain things like love, hope, and learning waiting for you, too.

Don’t waste time preserving life just to put it in a box to hide in the far corner of a closet. Life isn’t about avoiding death; it’s living in spite of the possibility of death.

Let me end with the powerful and wise words of Maya Angelou: “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

via Collective - Evolution

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