Late last night, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory
observed a massive "ultraviolet flash" emitted from the sun, which has
turned out to be the largest solar radiation storm since 2005. This
M9-class coronal mass ejection (CME) is expected to hit earth today at 9
am EST, and could cause widespread communications interference and
damage to electrical systems and structures.
This M9-class solar
eruption is just teetering below an X-class eruption, which is
considered to be the most severe type of solar storm. M9-class solar
eruptions have been occurring almost daily throughout the past week in
an area of the sun known as sunspot 1402. But as this area slowly
rotates towards the direction of earth, the threat of damage and
destruction continues to increase.
"There is little doubt that
the cloud is heading in the general direction of Earth," says a update. "A preliminary inspection of SOHO / STEREO
imagery suggests that the CME will deliver a strong glancing blow to
Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 24 - 25 as it sails mostly north of our
What does all this mean in terms of potential damage to the planet? It
is hard to say, since nobody knows for sure exactly where this solar
storm will hit, or what the power of it will be. However, the announcement warns that certain spacecraft "in
geosynchronous, polar and other orbits passing through Earth's ring
current and auroral regions" could sustain damage. Intensified auroral
storms are also possible.
This onslaught of charged particles is
also a potential threat to aircraft flying across the earth's poles,
which is why such flights are now being rerouted, according to reports.
And as far as the general public is concerned, downed satellites,
communications interference, and even electrical transmission problems
are all a possibility.
The sun is currently in Solar Cycle 24, a
period of intensified solar activity that began in 2008. Though it is
set to peak in 2013, this cycle is a threat right now as the sun's
rotation puts earth directly in line with sunspot 1402. And as these
already borderline-X-class storms coming from sunspot 1402 intensify, so
will the threat of widespread disruption and damage.
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