Facebook Blocked Our Page For 7 Days Under False Copy-Right Allegations

In an attempt to raise awareness about an important issue that needs addressing, we write this to hopefully get help from whoever can help.

As we were approaching a HUGE announcement from our company in just a few days, we were banned from posting all content on Facebook due to “copy-right” allegations on a video we paid for, have licenses to use and that has been posted by others on Facebook.

This post is in no way an attempt to call out Facebook, they have helped us greatly with our work over the years. We simply have no other choice but to raise awareness because there is no effective way to contact them.

We have already tried to contact Facebook about this issue but their customer service is not up to par. As a person this is disappointing, as a socially conscious movement it’s sad to see and as a business it’s crippling as it shuts us down for having done nothing wrong nor anything outside of Facebook’s terms and conditions.

After 7 years in business we have never had a single ban, and yet just days before launching something monumental for the social conscious movement, we receive a ban that stops us from doing so.


If you know anyone who can help with this issue, please contact us at contact@collective-evoluton.com

We would appreciate any awareness that can be created about this issue also. Let’s get things back in action and continue shifting consciousness!

The CE Team

via Collective - Evolution

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