The Perseid Meteor Shower Is Finally Here & Peaks Tonight, You Can Expect Something BIG

According to a statement made by Bill Cooke of NASA’s Meteoroid Environments Office, “forecasters are predicting a Perseid outburst this year with double the normal rates on the night of August 11-12….Under perfect conditions, rates could soar to 200 meteors per hour.”

Normally we usually get 80 meteors per hour during the Perseids, so tonights shower could be a historical one.

The Perseids occur when Earth enters into the path of Comet “Swift-Turtle,’ where we (Earth) usually only get to the edges of the debris trail that it leaves behind as it hurdles through space.

Below is a little video from Business Insider about tonights shower.

We Are Obsessed With Space

Humans are obsessed with space, or perhaps we are simply fascinated by the unknown. Archaeologists have even found 5000 year old Egyptian artifacts that came from space.  If we look at Sumerian and Mayan culture, they too were obsessed with space, it never stops and it continues to grab our attention today.

Unfortunately, the world we are living in is not one of openness and transparency, it’s one of secrecy and the concealment of information. Our thirst for knowledge always seems to be blocked by a “breakaway” civilization, a civilization created within our own world, one that has amassed tremendous resources and seems to lie at the heart of the military industrial complex. That term was coined by Richard Dolan, one of the world’s leading researchers on the the black budget world and UFO phenomenon. A world where science, technology and new discoveries about the true nature of our reality are concealed for the  sake of ‘national security.’  Some of these programs, also known as Special Access Programs (SAPs) are so sensitive that there is no oversight from congress.

Any time I write about something space related, I feel it’s important to mention this, because when it comes to space affairs there is no shortage of secrecy.

If you want to learn more about the ‘black budget,’ you can read a heavily sourced article on it, just click HERE.

If you want to learn more about space secrecy, you can visit the exopolitics section of our website HERE.

Our obsession with space will only continue to grow, especially when so many previously classified documents and hundreds of high ranking witness testimony has already taken place. The more we continue to question and dig for ‘truth,’ the closer we come to exposing it.

There is something about gazing into a stary night, something that captures the attention of our soul. Perhaps that’s because we’re looking into a part of where we came from?

I’ll leave you with this video of last year’s shower. If you plan on viewing tonight, enjoy!

Photo cred


via Collective - Evolution

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