A Basketball-Sized Mass Of Lymphoblasts Was In Her Chest & Her Parents Said No To Full Body Radiation

It wasn’t long ago that a group of federal researchers commissioned by the United States government discovered that the two most common cannabinoids in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), weaken the ferocity of cancer cells and render them more susceptible to radiation treatment. This marked a major shift in the federal stance on cannabis, particularly since, historically, the US government and other major medical health bodies (like the CDC) have refused to admit that cannabis has any medicinal properties whatsoever.

But it has been clear for years that this is not the case. Whether in combination with chemotherapy or used alone, many people have already taken the leap and found success treating cancer with cannabis, and decades of research now irrefutably show that THC and CBD completely destroy cancer cells. Hundreds (if not thousands) of studies have been published clearly demonstrating this, yet no clinical trials have been funded or initiated to try to replicate these results in an actual human being with cancer.

Only recently have we seen such trials take place, and only ever in conjunction with chemotherapy drugs, which is a shame. I think we have a long way to go before the federal research that really needs funding — clinical trials of cannabis alone — will happen. Decades of research have already shown that cannabis destroys cancer cells, and a simple Google search will yield you plenty of results which support this. The justification for clinical trials has been there for years.

Sadly, if a pharmaceutical drug were to show even half the medicinal promise that cannabis already does, it would be tested in clinical trials immediately. This is the reality of the pharmaceutical industry. Plants are simply not profitable.

Despite this fact, people are taking matters into their own hands. The survival rate of chemotherapy is very low, and I personally believe if studies were done to examine the success rates of people who use cannabis, or other forms of ‘alternative treatment,’ chemotherapy would seem like a far less logical option. Despite the mounting evidence of chemotherapy’s lack of effectiveness in prolonging survival, oncologists continue to present it as the only worthwhile approach to treating cancer.

A variety of published literature has remarked on this disconnect between treatment advice and results. One great example is a paper titled The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies,” in which the authors reveal that the contribution of chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults is a mere 2.3 percent in Australia and 2.1 percent in the United States.

This begs the question, why are cancer patients continually offered chemotherapy when the benefits, if any, are so negligible, and the obvious harm, both physically and psychologically, is so great? There are only two approved treatments for caner — radiation and chemotherapy — and that is to everyone’s detriment.

Mykayla Comstock

When you are an adult with cancer, you have the choice to use the two recommended options or refuse treatment and select alternative methods. When you are a child, on the other hand, neither you nor your parents have any choice. If your parents refuse the recommended treatment, they face severe legal repercussions, including custody loss.

Brave Mykayla had T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, which is a very rare and aggressive form of childhood leukaemia. It accounts for 15-18% of childhood leukaemia cases. Her DNA was altered in some way, and it caused her bone marrow to start producing leukaemia white blood cells. She fell ill in May of 2012, and in July that same year doctors discovered a basketball-sized mass of lymphoblasts in her chest. Her mass was so large that she was not able to be sedated for risk of death from the pressure on her esophagus and heart. Although she went through chemotherapy, it was unsuccessful, and her doctors then wanted to give her full body radiation and a bone marrow transplant. Her parents declined, choosing instead to try cannabis oil and a healthy diet. Almost immediately after doing so, her tumour began to shrink and she went into remission. Almost four years later, Mykayla is still cancer free.

You can read more about her story here, and visit her Facebook page here for updates and more information.

This is one example of many demonstrating the healing powers of cannabis oil. The more people who know about this, the more may be able to heal themselves the way Mykala did.  Thanks for reading.


via Collective - Evolution

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