The Deodorant that You Eat – Yum!

deo perfume candy 250x156 The Deodorant that You Eat Yum!We aren’t supposed to smell like roses. In fact, we’re pretty sure that our ancestors smelled fowl. And they definitely didn’t have edible deodorant that made them smell like roses, like we do now.

That’s right, we now have deodorant that you can eat - Deo Perfume Candy. According to the company, eating their candy—which contains rose oils and an antioxidant called geraniol—guarantees a fresh scent oozing from your pores for the next six hours.

Ingenious? Absolutely. Healthy?  Definitely not.

What Refinery29 doesn’t seem to notice—or care about—is that their sugar-free candy is sweetened by acesulfame potassium, an artificial sweetener suspected of raising the risk of urinary cancer. Other artificial sweeteners like aspartame (made of genetically modified bacteria) and Splenda  are proven to lead to metabolic and thereby insulin imbalances and inflammation. This paves the path to diabetes, obesity, tooth damage, and even cancer. Even the “real sugar” (which may or may not be from genetically modified sugar beets) option of Deo Perfume Candy will contribute to inflammation and related diseases.

In the big scheme of things, Deo Perfume Candy isn’t as big an influence on our health as, say, what we have for breakfast. Still, there are healthier options to smelling and feeling good than dosing the body with rose-scented candy every six hours. Here’s a frugal, effective deodorant recipe you can make at home.


  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • 4 tbsp beeswax
  • ½ cup baking soda
  • ½ cup arrowroot powder (or non-GMO cornstarch)
  • Optional: 5 drops of chosen essential oil


If you’re doing this in the winter, you’ll have to melt the coconut oil in a skillet in order to mix it with the other ingredients. This goes also for the beeswax regardless of the season. Because coconut oil has a low melting point, the beeswax will give it some solid form. Also, be sure to do a patch test with your chosen essential oil, especially if you have sensitive skin.

In a clean bowl, mix together all the ingredients. You can fill an empty deodorant stick or two with the results and store in a cool place. Although this is not a formula you want to leave in the car in mid-summer, it will keep perspiration and smells to a minimum, thanks to moisture-wicking arrowroot and odor-crushing baking soda and anti-bacterial coconut oil.

Additional Sources:

The Daily Meal

via Natural Society

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